Forgive and forget I caused you pain

Don´t know where I am
Don´t know where I went wrong
All that I will is to start again

We may not get back what we had
What I threw away
But you know I would do anything
Abnything to say
....I would crawl if for a moment
we could cease hostilities

But it seemed like such a good idea at the time
Such a very, very good idea at the time

Som min vän ringde o så igå¨r: såsjukt bra låtar:D å så spelade de balnd annat låten nedan

"It was late at night
The night the King died
I played his records all night.....

Now some people say that it ain´t right
Now some people say nothing at all
Even in the darkest of nights
You can always hear the king call"

Påskafton;) hhehe...min biiiatch;) hehe...längtar till sommarenM)8

Du är söt(L)...hoppas vi ses imorn:D

"But you always seem to come alive
when I´m not around"

Jag vet att ja nog gjorde dig illa, även då ja inte trodde de
Och de va aldrig min mening, skulle aldrig kunna göra dig ledsen.....
Men då......ja vet inte, kanske ses vi någon gång......

"While you were sleeping I was listening to radio and wondering what you´re thinking
When it came to mind that I didn´t care
And I thought: Hell if it´s over, but I had better end it quick or I could lose my nerve
Have you forgotten??

I tried to be but I´m not
So could you please collect your things
I don´t wanna be cold, I don´t wanna be cruel
But I got to find more than what´s happening with you"

If anybody ever had a heart, he wouldn´t be alone........

Mne jag har slutat med allt det där nu.....eller jag tror de i alla fall
På alla sätt som ja kan, och ja ska bli bättre
för ........."I found the love that I knew I would miss"


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